Thank You Veterans

Military families deserve to be revered for the sacrifices they make while serving our country. In times of war and peace their sacrifices are significant and innumerable.

When caring for a child and serving in the military, parents on the journey of care experience all of the challenges civilian parents on the same journey experience. You can read more about these challenges in our first blog post The Quiet Warrior Next Door.

However, many military veterans confront these challenges while managing through greater complexity and intensity. Deployments, pre-existing post-traumatic stress disorder, distance from family and other support due to service related relocations are just a few among a many other complications that can make the journey of care even more treacherous.

Veterans, thank you for your service!

If you, or someone you know is on the journey of care, know that there are some special resources available to veterans. Start by checking out Operation We Are Here. You will find some amazing resources there that can help you successfully navigate the journey you are on.

May God bless you and keep you.


About the author

Tom Nieman is a Founder and President of The LIV Foundation and a financial services industry veteran. The best place to reach Tom is on LinkedIn at   or on email at

If you want to learn more, need help or know someone who needs help check out the following resources:

The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Department of Social Work and Spiritual Care:

The LIV Foundation:

Operation We Are Here:

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