The Hero Sherpa

There are times when we encounter people in this life that possess such grace and strength it is humbling.  We have had the good fortune of having many people of this character our life. Parents of children with life-altering illness often fit this make-up.

Often these parents don’t view themselves as heroes. They consider their child who is struggling with illness, pain and fear of the unknown at young ages the hero in their story.

Yet, they are indeed heroes.  They fight overwhelming odds, make significant sacrifices and help innocent children survive and thrive despite the condition or illness that is threatening their very existence. They guide Heroyoung souls along a treacherous journey.

It is these heroes that The LIV Foundation exists for.  When we come across resources that can help we share them with the intent of helping parents of children with life-altering illnesses live their lives well when on the journey of care with their sick child.

Recently we came across a blog called the Joyful Journey Mom. Jenni claims it started out as their adoption journal blog and over the last four years it has morphed into a blog about special needs, adoption and her life. Jenni and her husband have 6 children by birth and adoption. We have children with disabilities. The information Jenni has organized within her blog is amazing and can help families who need assistance.

Wish Organizations, Grants for Medical Equipment/Medical Assistance, Free Gifts and Services, even list of Free Places to Go and Some tips when applying for grants are all outlined in her post called, Ultimate List of Grants and Resources for Families with Special Needs.

If you are looking for ideas that can help you stay organized and effective while advocating for your child while on the journey of care there is even a blog post where Jenni describes How to make a personalized advocacy toolkit for your child.

This is such a great resource we simply had to share.  Please share with those heroes in your circle if you think it can help.


Tom Nieman is a Founder and President of The LIV Foundation and a financial services industry veteran. The best place to reach Tom is on LinkedIn at or email at

If you want to learn more, need help or know someone who needs help check out the following resources:

The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Department of Social Work and Spiritual Care:

The LIV Foundation:




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